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The Ultimate Guide to Scissor Lift Rentals

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Scissor lifts are an excellent choice for projects that require workers to reach elevated working locations. They are an elevated work platform that is indispensable for construction, warehouse and facility maintenance applications, among others. Typically, scissor lifts aren't complicated pieces of equipment or machinery. However, they have several distinguishing features that can make your selection overwhelming. Therefore, if you are considering renting one for your project, you will need to consider some factors to ensure you get the right one for your needs. With that in mind, here is a guide on all there is to know about hiring scissor lifts.

They Are Available in Many Different Types

Scissor lifts are available in several different types to suit unique project needs. And knowing what differentiates them will make it easy to hire a make or model that fits your project's needs. The primary types of scissor lifts you will find in the markets are electric, fuel-powered, hydraulic, pneumatic and rough-terrain. Except for rough-terrain scissor lifts, the rest of the scissor lifts differ in their powering mechanism. As the name implies, fuel-powered scissor lifts rely on fuel to operate. The fuel can be petrol or diesel although the latter is the most popular. They are some of the most powerful options you will find, but since they release fumes and are quite noisy, they tend to be an excellent choice for outdoor applications.

On the other hand, electric, hydraulic and pneumatic scissor lifts are an alternative to their fuel-powered counterparts. Electric lifts are ideal for indoor use because they don't emit fuel. They are also quieter than fuel-powered lifts. However, they are usually not as powerful and don't reach as high. By contrast, hydraulic lifts rely on hydraulic oil and are one of the easiest scissor lifts to operate. However, they tend to be temperature sensitive because oil's density varies with temperature. Therefore, hydraulic lifts may be slower when it gets cold. Last, pneumatic scissor lifts derive their lifting power from air pressure. However, like their electric counterparts, they aren't as powerful as fuel-powered lifts, but they are ideal for indoor applications and other sites with tight spaces.

Rough-terrain scissor lifts, as the name implies, are ideal for sites with rough terrain. They feature heavy-duty tyres and other features like restraints that make them perfect for outdoor use. Ideally, they are designed for conditions that are too challenging for standard scissor lifts to operate.

Costs Depend on Several Factors

Knowing some of the factors that determine the cost of hiring a scissor lift is good for your budgeting purposes. While many things can dictate how much you will pay, some common factors that affect scissor lift rental costs are size (by working height and power requirements), length of hire, location and delivery distance.

For more information on a scissor life hire, contact a professional near you. 
